Thursday, October 22, 2009

The G-20

The G-20 will be held in Scotland on November 6-7. This meeting will talk about the concerns over dollar weakness. “I think there will be fireworks at the G-20” said Stephen Jen who is one of the most respected currencies investor at hedge fund Blue Gold Capitol Management in London. Some people say that it is “clear that the US isn’t going to put any meat on the bones of its strong dollar policy”.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The two sites that I visited were very different! Its amazing how none of their views (that I read) were the same.

The conservative website was kindof hating on obams saying that is saying the wrong things and needs to clean up his speeches.

The liberal website that I read was all about obama! Its like there in love with the man! I guess I think that is the best way to roll just beacuse I like him and what he Is trying to accomplish durring his presidency. This website very much agreed with everything that he is doing, and evberything that he says he will accomplish is his term.

all the presidents men

I think that if something similar to the watergate scandle were to happen in this day in age, it wouldn't take as long as it did for people to notice. I mean, for the watergate scandle, it took some major digging to find out what exactly happened; for the truth to come out. These days, security is really tight sinse the tradgety of 9/11. Most important buildings are way over protected so it would kind of, just slightly (props to kory for letting me use his word) be, come on, if this were to happen, it would deffinatly put the health care bill behind on schedule ( which some people might view as a good thing) but not only that, people will change their views on everything. Most americans wouldn't be able to trust our government anymore, I know that I wouldn't. But, you would have to stoop so low to be able to do something that insain and not feel totally horrible about it. I don't thinks that any president should abuse their powers and have a "top secret" operation. Every american deserves to
Know what the government is up too. Honestly if this were to happen, I wouldn't be able to trust any of people in congress, senate, house, or anything!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Three Blogs In Three Days (Day TRES)

many worry about the H1N1 (the swine flu). and some dint even want to get the new vaccination, especially if its a parent. there are still very limited doses of the vaccination out there, and doctors are left with a hard decision as to who will be able to obtain the shot. the most percent of people eligible for the shot are young children (because they are not done growing) and old people (because they are more susceptible to various diseases). personally, i think that the swine flu isnt that much worse than the origional flu.

here is the website

Three Blogs In Three Days (Day DOS)

basically this article is about Clinton and how she never wants to run for president again during an interview with NBC's Ann Curry.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Current News in Politics (Day UNO)

More that 1 thousand gay and lesbians marched the streets of Washington Dc, from the capitol to the white house on Saturday demanding that Obama keep his promise that he had said to "end the ban on gays serving openly in the military and allowing same-sex marriages". This took place on Saturday. there were a lot of straight people there to show their support. one man, Jason Yanowitz (who came all the way from Chicago) said "If somebody doesn't have equal rights, then none of us are free". Ibelieve that. Also, last week, there was a bill introducing same-sex marriage introduced last week to the DC council. This was from an aritcle from Fox News.

Monday, October 5, 2009

my represenative

The Washington, D.C. office and the district of the Honorable John M. McHugh will continue to serve the people of the Twenty-Third Congressional District of New York under the supervision of the Clerk of the House of Representatives. Representative McHugh resigned on September 21, 2009. The vacancy became effective September 21, 2009.

i picked the address that i live at when im up in new york.